Baby Boy’s 7 Month Update

June 28, 2018
baby boy 7 month update main

Seeing as I am always late on posting these monthly updates, I decided to just breeze right past the 6 month update and go straight for month 7. MONTH SEVEN. For real? Where is time going and why is it in such a rush??! It’s going so fast that I didn’t even realize Nathan turned seven months until a few days later. Although, that’s also a symptom of being a second child. 😉 So here we go with Baby Boy’s 7 month update!

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I am still almost exclusively breastfeeding, but we try to give him bottle a few times a week so that he doesn’t get used to just having the breast. I will admit that’s hard though because he has a clear preference for the boob *insert perverted dad joke here* and sometimes refuses the bottle regardless of whether there is formula or breastmilk inside. He is still the most distracted eater EVER and if I feed him around Olivia he constantly pulls off because he has FOMO.

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Nathan is *mostly* consistent with sleeping. We put him down between 6-7pm depending on how he napped that day/how tired he is and he usually wakes up at 6:30am. It’s a little earlier than this night owl mama would like but I will take it! He is also a pretty good napper; he takes a nap in the morning that can be anywhere from 1-2 hours and then an afternoon nap anywhere from 1-3 hours.

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Sweet Moments, Milestones, + More

We started Nathan on solids (purees) right when he turned 6 months and he wasn’t sure at first, but now he loves them, especially anything with banana in it. I’ve also tried slicing very ripe bananas into thin strips and he is really good at feeding himself. Nathan also continues to be the most smiley and happy boy ever and smiles at everyone. He loves grabbing onto hair, biting my finger, and being held, which I don’t mind one bit.

Baby Boy’s Fav Things

I always get asked what monitor we use and it’s this Project Nursery one that I HIGHLY recommend (and also talked about on this post). We used to have a different monitor and it was the worst– terrible connection, always had a low battery, and not a dual screen. This one lasts all day, can watch both kids, and has a great screen. Also, this BeatBo toy is Nathan’s favorite and laughs and smiles whenever I bring it out to play with.

What milestones are your babies reaching right now? Thanks for stopping by!



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  • Sumeila June 29, 2018 at 4:11 am

    Omg that face!!

    Lauren you really have such adorable babies, both of them are absolutely too cute!

    Love hearing all the updates and to my understanding the fact that he sleeps throughout the night is great!

    Cant wait to read more about Nathan and his journey:)