Trying Something New: Nervous, Anxious, Scared… Oh My!

August 14, 2015
at the altar

Hey Strangers! I know, I know, I’ve been totally MIA on the blog for the last two weeks. It’s just been a crazy, busy, lots-of-new-things-going-on time in my life right now. More on that to come, I promise. In the meantime, I want to veer a little off topic to talk about something that I think most people (at least I hope I’m not the only one) feel at some point or another: the fear of doing/trying something new.

If you have never had butterflies in your stomach, sweaty palms, ants in your pants, the shakes, or the urge to hide under your bed before doing something brand new then my hat is off to you and I demand you tell me the secret to your courage and bravery. For everyone else: let’s work through this together.

walking down the aisle

So, I am really new to this whole blogging thing and it’s been challenging and quite the learning experience. But most of all, it’s been really scary. Putting yourself out there wholly, unabashedly, candidly is not easy. I’m essentially asking people to judge me. And who wants to feel judged, right? Well I’m here to encourage you, to be your cheerleader, to whisper in your ear “you’ve got this.” Because sometimes I need the same thing.

table setting

Recently, I registered for a conference (Create + Cultivate) for women entrepreneurs, mostly bloggers, and that conference is tomorrow. Signing up for something like that is soooooo not my thing. Going to this conference means I’ll have to meet a lot of brand new people, many of whom are already established in the industry, and talk to them! How intimidating is that?


Tonight was the pre-conference happy hour and I really did not want to go. In fact, it was my husband that pushed me and said that I really should. Well, he was right (but don’t tell him that). I went and when I walked into the room full of beautiful, well-dressed, successful women, my first thought was ‘F**K why did I come, I don’t even know anyone!’ But I had two choices: start talking to someone or stand there by myself and say nothing. Which would you choose?

the horah

Fast forward two hours later and I was having funny, intelligent, and interesting conversations with several women, had passed out a few biz cards, and was actually enjoying myself. Who woulda thunk it?!

dance in the rain

My point is this: whatever it is you are doing or want to do, wherever you’re at in life, whatever fears you have, don’t let them stand in your way. If I let the things that scare me get in my way then I wouldn’t have become a teacher, gotten married, had a baby, or started a blog. And those are some of the best things I’ve ever done in my life.

Go out and start the business you’ve always wanted to. Ask out that cute guy that you drool over. Say yes to meeting new people. Take the dance class you’ve been meaning to sign up for. You’ll be glad you did it. And if you ever need a word of encouragement, a little push (or shove), then come to me and I promise to try to help you overcome your nerves.

chicago illuminating company

Oh and I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m posting all these wedding pics. Well, the location of the conference tomorrow is the same venue where my hubby and I were married. So if I get really nervous then my plan is to stand in the middle of the room, envision my wedding night, and start swaying like it’s our first dance. That won’t be awkward at all. 😉




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  • Gerald DiPego August 15, 2015 at 1:08 pm

    So very cool – love hearing your voice in the social universe, and it’s a worthy thing you’re doing, too: sharing and encouraging. How wonderful! Jerry

    • Lauren August 15, 2015 at 6:23 pm

      Yayyy! Thank you so much! Glad you’re reading! XO

  • Sumeila August 19, 2015 at 4:29 am

    Oh how awesome was this!

    Thank you for being so brave with sharing your life with all your readers! The encouragment and motivation you sprinkel on us really helps.

    Continue doing your great work and being nothing but yourself!

    Love you tons!!


    • Lauren August 21, 2015 at 3:58 pm

      Thanks Su! That means a lot! Love you tons more!