9 Carry On Essentials for Your Summer Vacay

July 9, 2018
carry on must haves

This post is sponsored by Degree Women but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Next month Eric and I are going on a vacay… WITHOUT kids! I’m not sure what I’m going to do with myself! Sleep in? Definitely! Have a full conversation without interruptions? Yep! Carry a bag without stacks of diapers, 53 toys, and an assortment of snacks? You betcha!

Speaking of bags, I’m going to trade all that kid stuff in for a lighter carry on that will include all my carry on must haves. When I travel, I like to have everything I need without carrying a 30 pound bag on my shoulder and today I’m sharing my list of 9 carry on essentials for your summer vacay!

carry on essentials w degree

Books. One of my favorite things about traveling is more down time to read books. I usually bring one in my carry on and then I pack another in my suitcase. I’m finishing up Crazy Rich Asians and can’t wait to see the movie!

Sleep mask. I always use a sleep mask at home and I especially need one on the plane. I have such a hard time sleeping on airplanes (I mean, does anyone ever sleep comfortably on airplanes?) but a sleep mask always helps.

Headphones. I always just use the headphones that came with my iPhone. As long as I have something that I can play music on to drown out any other sounds. But I have been considering buying a pair of noise cancelling headphones.

carry on essentials

Degree Dry Spray Deodorant. I think it goes without saying that after a day of traveling (whether you’re going near or far) leaves you feeling a little… icky. The first thing I want to do after being on an airplane is shower but that’s not usually possible, so the quickest way to freshen up is putting on some Degree Dry Spray deodorant. And I don’t have to worry about white marks on my clothes or yellow stains. It goes on instantly dry so you don’t have that sticky/wet feeling in your armpits and you can just carry right on with your travels without worrying if you smell like a Boeing 747.

Cardigan/Sweater. I don’t care how hot it is where you’re leaving from or where you’re going, I guarantee you that the airplane will be an arctic tundra. I remember one time Eric and I were traveling and he wore short sleeves on the plane and forgot to bring a sweatshirt so I shared my sweater with him and we each put one arm in a sleeve. Haha! Now that’s love! 😉

Charger. A phone charger is a MUST when you’re on the airplane because you never know what unexpected event might happen and a dead phone is pretty useless. Eric and I also have a portable charger that charges your phone when you don’t have access to an outlet.

Essential Medication. A lot of people pack their essential meds in their toiletry bag which then goes into your suitcase which then gets checked into luggage. But what happens if the airline loses your baggage? Always, always, always carry the medicines that you need on a daily basis in your carry on! And I also always carry headache/sinus medication because sometimes my ears hurt on the plane if my nose is stuffed up.

degree dry spray carry oncarry on essentials

Hand Sanitizer/wipes. Yep. I am that person that sprays hand sanitizer on my tray table and wipes it down with a wipe. Airplanes gross me out and I’m not sure how often they’re cleaned so you can bet that I am doing my own cleaning.

Socks. You may not take your shoes off on a short flight but if you’re heading overseas then you’re definitely not going to want to keep them on. And you’re not going to want to go barefoot because 1. Ew. and 2. Double ew. So socks will keep your tootsies warm and protect them from the nasty airplane.


Also, right now you can get $1.50 off your purchase of Degree Dry Spray by downloading the Checkout 51 AppHow it works in 4 simple steps:

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I’d love to know what other things you add to your carry bag in case I missed anything! Share your #1 carry on must have in the comments below!






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