8 Reasons to Just Keep Swimming at Goldfish Swim School

June 20, 2018
goldfish swim school

swimming lessons
Goldfish Swim School has provided me with the experience of swim lessons. All opinions are my own.

Since Olivia turned one I have been saying that I need to sign her up for swim lessons. Fast-forward to her third birthday and I still hadn’t signed her up. I blame pregnancy, having a baby, and life in general. 😉 But lucky for me, Goldfish Swim School reached out to offer swim lessons for Olivia and Nathan. I was beyond excited because I had already reached out to my local Facebook mom group and asked people for suggestions on the best place for swim lessons and the response was overwhelmingly Goldfish!

We recently finished up our lessons and I couldn’t wait to share with you my 8 reasons why you should take your children to Goldfish Swim School

  1. Kids gain confidence in the water. So much of the learning that Olivia is doing at these lessons is simply getting more confident in the water. She used to be terrified of the pool and didn’t like water getting in her face, but she is longer the same kid. She puts her face in the water, kicks, and splashes.swimming lessons 2
  2. Kids learn swimming techniques AND learn water safety. It’s great to learn to paddle and kick and hold your breath, but it’s even better that they teach water safety too. Goldfish Swim School has taught Olivia how to safely get in and out of the water and to know that an adult should always be watching her when she’s in the water.
  3. It’s a clean facility. Goldfish Swim School is not only an adorable place, but it’s very clean. There are rows of changing rooms, big family bathrooms, and blow dryers.goldfish swim school elmhurst 1goldfish swim school elmhurst 2
  4. The water is warm. There is nothing worse then jumping into a freezing pool and I know Olivia would never stick with the lessons if she was cold the whole time. Goldfish’s water is a warm 90 degrees!
  5. The instructors are super friendly. Olivia had two different instructors and loved them both. It’s also great to look out across the pool and see that every instructor there has a smile on their face.star swimmer goldfish swim school
  6. There are lessons available for various age groups. You can start your children as young as 4 months (like Nathan was when he started) and they go all the way up to 12 years of age. Babies as young as Nathan obviously require parent participation, but Olivia did not.
  7. You can always make up missed lessons. This is one of the best things about being members of Goldfish– life gets busy and you may not always be able to make it to swim lessons, but you also don’t want to lose/waste your money. Goldfish’s policy is to offer up to 12 make up lessons per year so you never miss out.
  8. It’s fun! Goldfish teaches swimming in a play-based learning environment that is fun. I watch Olivia every single week and she is always smiling and laughing with her instructor throughout the lesson.

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Olivia had such a great experience with Goldfish Swim School and Eric and I were amazed at her weekly progress. The first couple of weeks she was very nervous about getting in the water, but that nervousness melted away quickly and she’d never want to get out of the pool. She is so much more confident in the water and the girl that used to hate getting water on or near her face can now put her face under water and actually likes it!

I am so proud of Olivia and thankful to Goldfish for giving her that confidence. Be sure to check out your local Goldfish Swim School and watch this great clip of what their facilities are like.


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