11 Weird Things That Are Totally Normal When You’re a Mom

July 31, 2015
11 Weird things that are totally normal whenyou're a mom

It’s no surprise that babies change our lives forever. They come in with their pudgy little rolls and soft, kissable cheeks and we can’t help but fall in love. So much so that we hardly realize the strange things we’re doing until a stranger out in public raises an eyebrow and hurries away. This is a list of those strange things:

mommy and baby

1. Picking Noses. Usually our fingers are reserved for picking our own noses but not when you’re a mom! I can spot a booger in my baby’s nose from across the room and won’t rest until that sticky thing is out.

2. Talking to and about yourself in the third person. All. The. Time. “Did you miss Mommy?” “Mommy loves you!” “Mommy needs to go potty.” “What should Mommy wear today?”

3. Smelling your baby’s butt to see if she has a dirty diaper. Usually butt sniffing is reserved for dogs but once you’re a mom, your nose is as good as a bloodhound’s and you’ll use it to determine what’s waiting for you in that diaper.

4. Staring at the monitor to see if your baby is breathing. I’m pretty sure that 97% of parenting is checking 283,972 times a day to make sure your kid is still alive.


5. Squeezing your boobs after nursing to see if they’re empty. No? That’s just me? Okay, never mind…

6. Constant swaying of the hips even when you’re not holding your baby. You could be standing in the elevator, waiting in line at the grocery store, or belly up to the bar, but your hips are doing their own figure eight motion soothing that sweet baby that isn’t even in your arms.

7. Calling your spouse/significant other ‘daddy’. And not in the sexual way. “Hi Daddy, we missed you!”

8. Getting peed/pooped/spit up on and wearing those clothes out of the house. If it dried, did it really happen?


9. Cleaning lint from fingers and toes. Man, those baby fingers and toes sure are cute, but how the hell do they accumulate so much lint? I could knit a sweater every week with that stuff!

10. Getting spit up in your mouth. You could be going in for a kiss or playing with your baby up over your head, but when you least expect it, you’re going to get baby spit up in your mouth.

11. Using your hands/clothes as kleenex. Baby’s nose running? String of drool pouring out of his mouth? Spit up on her shirt? When a burp cloth isn’t nearby, your hand is the next best thing.

I’m only 4 months into this mom thing, but I’m sure there are many more weird (and gross) things to come. What are some of the weird things you’ve done for your little munchkin? I’d love to hear your stories!

Thank you so much for reading and don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss a post, or you can follow along on Insta @myplotofsunshine. 🙂



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  • Sumeila August 19, 2015 at 4:21 am

    OMG Sis, I died laughing through the whole page, SO FUNNY!
    But very Cool as well, one never think about the small changes that happens once you become a mum. What a beautiful thing…..

    LOVE this post!!

    Thanks for sharing and putting a smile one my face:)