Life Lately

September 15, 2016

I was just browsing through my blog posts and noticed that I haven’t really written much about the most important thing in my life– my family! I want to be better about including more pictures of my favorite people and updating you on what goes on in our lives (it’s all riveting stuff 😉 ). This blog isn’t just to share my thoughts on motherhood and some cute outfit ideas. My hope is that it one day serves as a type of family journal/scrapbook for Olivia and future kids to read and know that their mom was actually way cooler than they think.

life lately waiting-for-fall

The other day I took Olivia to her 18 month doctor appointment and she was nervous and clinging to me like a little monkey as the doctor listened to her heart and examined her. And then she got a flu shot and my poor baby cried so much and I felt so bad that I asked her if she wanted some chocolate (don’t judge me) and in between sobs, she said, “yeah” in the sweetest little voice. So obviously, we went straight to CVS for some chocolate after our appointment.

And can you believe the next time we go back to the doctor is at her 2 year check up?! TWO YEAR checkup! Umm can anyone tell me where the time is going?!

My favorite thing about Olivia’s current age is how much she learns literally every. Single. Day. Every day it’s a new word, a new skill, a new funny little action. I’m in complete awe of this little person we created. And within the last couple months she started saying mama (before it was just ma) and I swear my heart melts every time I hear it. Even at the end of the day when I’m exhausted and all I want to do is get dinner on the table and she’s tugging at my pant leg saying mama up, mama up, I just can’t resist her sweetness! What is the one thing your child does that you just can’t resist??

Anyway, that’s the Livy Latest. As for me, I’m just [not so] patiently awaiting the arrival of cooler weather so that I can take the obligatory boots and fall leaves pictures and so I won’t work up a sweat as I drink my PSL. Yes, total basic bitch here and ain’t no shame in my game. 😉

Have a great day, friends!



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  • Maryam September 15, 2016 at 8:23 am

    Your daughter is a doll!! Loved this post today, perfect read on my walk to work. I hope the fall posts include some of your favorite autumn recipes and fashion trends. I am looking for some new ideas! Thank you!

  • jehava September 15, 2016 at 9:12 am

    Absolutely adorable!! I am anticipating fall too! I love all things pumpkin and warm sweaters!

  • sumeila September 15, 2016 at 9:25 am

    Yes I totally agree, more updates about the plotkin family.

    My personal way of knowing whats going on in your life as you are important to me and at the same time get tips and trixs- great combo!

    Luh you Sis


  • Shannan Panganiban September 15, 2016 at 11:02 am

    she is too cute!! i have the same vision for my blog!

  • Melissa September 15, 2016 at 5:29 pm

    What a little cutie! It’s crazy how quickly they grow up.

  • suzanne September 17, 2016 at 10:10 am

    Aren’t the “mamas” just the best?? Seriously, even tho I hear it allllll day long, it never grows old. Enjoy it, mama! xo

  • Danielle September 18, 2016 at 9:58 pm

    Awww! Such a cutie! I agree, bring on the cool weather!!