Mom Confessions

January 8, 2016

mom confessions

I have a confession. Okay, well I have a few. These aren’t just any confessions. These are mom confessions. You know what I mean. I’m talking about the things us moms do to get through the day. The things that we may not be proud of, but who cares? So I thought I’d start a series here on the blog where every so often I will share my mom confessions; the things I do to keep my sanity, decrease my workload, or just because I can.

  1. When your baby poops but you know Dad will be home soon so you don’t change her. Am I the only one that’s ever done this? I mean, come on, you’ve spent the whole day playing with your baby, feeding and changing her, and chasing after her making sure she doesn’t put her finger in an outlet and there’s only 5 minutes until FREEEEEEEDOM and she drops a stink bomb. You know that your husband will be home in 5 minutes (we’re not talking hours here) so you pretend like you have no idea that she pooped and leave that one to dad. And if you’ve never done this because you never thought of it then you’re welcome.
  2. Eating more puffs than your baby. This one starts off innocently enough, you want to show your baby that the puffs are tasty and then you realize that they are and soon enough you are popping those things like potato chips. You can’t help that those sweet potato puffs are the bomb dot com.
  3. Throwing out a onesie after your baby has had a HUUUUUUUUGE (said Donald Trump style) blowout. I can just hear my mother tsk tsk-ing this one, but sometimes those blowouts are just so ginormous that you can’t even stand the thought of trying to wash/clean them that you just have to say f*** it and throw it out.
  4. Having hubby do baby bath time because you just got a manicure. You want to preserve your nails for as long as possible, don’t you? Don’t get me wrong, I love bath time, but when mama’s nails are freshly done, there is no shame in handing this one over to dad. He needs the bonding time anyway.
  5. Eating the last two cinnamon rolls while Hubby is at work so you don’t have to share. Maybe I should feel bad or ashamed about this one, but ya know what? I don’t.

What are your mom confessions? Come on, you can tell me. I know you hide in the pantry to eat your Ben & Jerry’s, so spill the beans!



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  • Jenny Gelman January 8, 2016 at 2:54 pm

    I think you’re good! We are human 😁 guarantee that if Mikey and I have child #3 will definitely be done!!!

  • Angie January 8, 2016 at 4:38 pm

    I secretly pretend to read emails on my phone from work, when I’m really searching Facebook.


    Sitting in the bathroom with the fan on and flushing the toilet when you’re really sitting on the floor browsing your friend’s blog. He can handle dinner, right??? Hey- I worked hard to drive through McDonalds this evening!!

    • Lauren January 18, 2016 at 2:13 pm

      Hahahahaha! This made me laugh! Fan on and flushing! lol! Thanks for reading Ang!

  • D January 8, 2016 at 5:00 pm

    Hahah! This was awesome. Oh I have so many confessions but not enough time in the world. Lol…
    Letting your kid watch TV or tablet because you just don’t feel like dealing with them that day.
    Telling your husband you don’t feel good so you can just go lay down and be by yourself for a 30 minute span without a 5 year old talking every 10 seconds.
    This one is bad and in Super embarrassed by it…but when I’m so annoyed and just have to tell my son to shut up for a gosh damn 10 minutes and leave me alone.
    Not brushing your child’s teeth for 3 days straight because everytime you do its a f’n battle

  • Gerald DiPego January 9, 2016 at 12:41 pm

    I’m forwarding this to Eric. Uncle Jerry

    • Sumeila January 12, 2016 at 7:07 am

      Exactly what I was thinking 🙂

      Good job Uncle Jerry

  • Sumeila January 12, 2016 at 7:06 am

    HAHAHAH this is too funny!

    I love you Lauren, this made my day

    Go Honesty!


  • Tara Williams January 19, 2016 at 4:55 pm

    Just found your blog- so cute! I love the mommy confessions. Mine would be staying in our pjs until nap time at noon because we are having a “tired day”

    Xo, tara

    • Lauren January 20, 2016 at 12:53 pm

      Tara, I love it! In fact, I’m having a “tired day” today as I type this in my jammies and robe! 🙂