Sweet Moments

June 1, 2015
Little Baby Livy

I’m only two months into this whole mommy gig, but as I go through the day-to-day life of a mommy I have these… well, we’ll call them revelations. For instance, being a mommy is hard. Okay so that’s not exactly a revelation, but whatever, hear me out. Being a mommy is hard. In fact, I’m currently typing this with one hand while rocking my baby in the other arm and trying to keep her chupy (Spanish slang for chupon, which means pacifier) in her mouth. Not easy.

And Mommydom is chalk full of moments like these and ones wayyy worse. But that shouldn’t come as a surprise. “I’m going to have a baby and it’s going to be a breeze,” said no woman ever. We go into this journey knowing damn well that it’s going to challenge you, test your mettle, make you cry, and more. But I don’t think that I prepared myself for the sweet moments. You know, those moments that shine down from the heavens with hallelujah playing in the background. The ones where your heart suddenly takes on the likeness of the Grinch’s in the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas and grows two sizes too big. Yeah, those are the ones I’m talking about.

The real revelation is that through all the crazy-sleepless night-poopy blowout-OMG why won’t you stop crying moments, there are those sweet moments that make every crappy one melt away. Two days ago, I was watching my peanut on the monitor while she slept. She started to stir and was turning her head this way and that and her headband started sliding down her head over her eyes. I went in her room and started laughing at her as I took off the headband. Her sweet little face looked up at me and laughed right back. And I swear I have never felt my heart burst quite the way it did in that moment. It was seriously magical.

Anyhow, that’s my lil nugget of wisdom for the day! And as I finish writing this post (still with one hand), I look down at my baby + she is fast asleep in my arms with a dreamy smile on her face.





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