How to Build (and rock) the Perfect Arm Party

January 12, 2017
arm party fun

Have you ever started off a friendship where neither of you liked each other? That’s pretty much how things started 8 years ago with one of my best friends, Maryam. Our boyfriends were close buddies and we were introduced through them. I thought she was a standoffish bitch, she thought I was a mean bitch. I think the reality was we both had (and still do have) a severe case of RBF (Resting Bitch Face, for those of you living under a rock). We both wound up breaking up with those guys, suddenly became besties,  and wound up marrying significantly better ones. 🙂

We’re pretty much the same person in two different bodies. Same sense of humor, same interests, and same sense of style. So when I started rocking my arm party, she loved it and wanted one too. I spent several weeks curating the perfect arm party for her and now we both have them. Think of it as a friendship bracelet(s) of sorts. 🙂

Oh, what’s an arm party, you ask? It’s basically a stack of pretty bracelets on your wrist. It could be a small gathering of bracelets or it could be a full-fledged bash (shots not included). And you’re pretty much guaranteed to get compliments on your arm party every time you wear it.

How to Build the Perfect Arm Party

  1. Do not, I repeat, do NOT buy all your bracelets from the same store. Some stores sell “pre made arm parties,” to which I say pshhh. A couple of the same bracelets is okay, but an arm party should feel like a collection of cool and unique bracelets and it’s harder to get that feel when all the bracelets look the same. Every single one of the bracelets I’m wearing is from a different store/flea market/secondhand shop and ranges in price.
  2. Don’t be afraid to mix and match. I usually stick with just gold or gold + black because that’s what I love most, but you can totally mix white and yellow golds. Or mix a metal with other colors.
  3. Add in a watch for some fun. I have worn my arm party on my left arm with a watch or all by itself on my right arm. There’s no wrong way to do it!
  4. Wear the largest/bulkiest pieces higher up on your arm and the more dainty pieces closer to your hand.

Now that you know what to do, here are some of my favorite pieces to get your arm party started!




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  • Sumeila January 19, 2017 at 6:56 am

    Ugh I want a friendship bracelet from you as well 🙁

    Very Pretty!