7 Reasons Our Moms Think We’re Crazy

April 12, 2016

7 reasons our moms think we're crazy

So much has changed in the world of parenting in the last 10, 20, 30 years that it’s no surprise that we do things a little differently than our mothers did. New laws, advice, pediatric recommendations, and technology have shaped the way we now parent our children, but that certainly hasn’t stopped our moms from giving us an eye-roll and muttering something under their breath that sounds a lot like, “Well, I did that with you and you turned out just fine.” So here’s a list of the top 7 reasons our moms think we’re crazy (and likely doing it all wrong).

7 Reasons Our Moms Think We’re Crazy

  1. Because we keep quiet when our children are sleeping. According to every single mom over the age of 50, they never stayed quiet when their kids were sleeping. Not only that, but they also ran the vacuum when their kids were napping. Um, I’m pretty sure your carpet didn’t need that much cleaning.
  2. Because of the new-fangled terms we use. Tummy time, skin to skin, screen time, co-sleeping, sensory play, etc. In our mothers’ day, it was called “lay your baby on his stomach” and there was no such thing as skin to skin.
  3. Because we don’t rub whiskey on our babies’ gums when they’re teething. Yeah, we don’t do this because, alcohol.
  4. Because of the way we feed our kids. We feed our kids too much, too little, not enough veggies, too much fruit, not enough cupcakes, too many cookies, not organic, too much organic, too hot, too cold. Basically, however you feed your children is wrong. 
  5. Because we pay for lactation consultants and night nurses and doulas. Mention any of these in front of your mother and she’ll likely scratch her head and say huh? Not only do they not know what these things are, but they think we’re crazy for wanting/needing them.
  6. Because, iPads/TV/phones. We’re either crazy for letting our kids use technology or crazy that we don’t just let them have it whenever they want.
  7. Because we let our kids go without socks (or jackets, or hats, or whatever). Listen, my kid pulls her socks and shoes off within 5 minutes of putting her in the car seat, but my mom never fails to ask where are her socks? whenever I arrive at her house with a barefoot baby.

So what does your mom, or better yet, your mother in-law think you’re crazy for doing? Or what strange and dated advice have you gotten from moms with grown children? Share your funny stories in the comments! 🙂

And for more baby, mama, food, style, and fun stuff, subscribe to the blog or just follow along on Insta @myplotofsunshine.




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  • Mindy April 12, 2016 at 8:03 am

    This is so funny and true! I used to get a hard time for the sleep schedule! Like, oh just let him sleep when he falls asleep. Ummm, no, because then he would be a grump and I would never shower!

  • Ellie Augustin April 12, 2016 at 8:48 am

    Oh my gosh I’m dying. I could write you 50 more reasons why my mom thinks I’m crazy lol I tell her well I’ve had 5 kids and you only 2 so I win! HA… OH yeah she loves it… Thanks for sharing.

  • Christine April 12, 2016 at 9:18 am

    My mother-in-law always thought I wasn’t feeding my baby enough especially when I was breastfeeding. It used to drive me crazy. I think she has a hard time seeing how much my child is on the ipad too. haha

  • Tricia April 12, 2016 at 10:02 am

    So true! Especially the last one. My son hates socks and shoes, but his grandma will come over to our house and ask why he isn’t wearing them. I’m like, we are inside our house! I’m not wearing socks and shoes either! 😉


  • Liz April 12, 2016 at 11:13 am

    For trying baby-led weaning! My mom is trying her best to pretend she doesn’t think we’re nuts. Also for not covering the baby with a blanket while he sleeps.

  • Mira April 12, 2016 at 12:47 pm

    So true!

    For continuing breastfeeding past 3 months. She, like I, had to go back to work right after my siblings and I were born, so we were all formula fed. She thinks I’m crazy because breastfeeding while going to work is time consuming and stressful sometimes, MOST of the time) because of pumping! She also stresses out because she has no understanding on how many oz the baby is fed when I nurse in the morning. I think she just wants things to be simpler and less stressful for me and I really appreciate that actually.

  • The Home Loving Wife April 12, 2016 at 2:09 pm

    Hahahahahahahahaha this is so great!! I got really lucky and have a mom and mother-in-law who did things really similarly to how I do, so they’ve pretty much been a constant source of encouragement. But I know how rare that can be, and how common it is for moms and MILs to pipe up about our “newfangled” ways of parenting!! Too funny, great post girl!

  • Christina April 12, 2016 at 2:15 pm

    Totally true! Sometimes I just have to take a deep breath and remind her that I’ve got everything under control! lol

  • Irit April 12, 2016 at 3:39 pm

    Oh I relate to all! Our moms generation also thinks we are crazy for not using crib bumpers and putting our babies to sleep on their backs. And kids over 3 years old in car seats. We aren’t making this stuff up moms. It’s called research. And in some cases the law 🙂

  • suzanne April 13, 2016 at 8:05 am

    This is hilarious! And oh, so true. The whole not sleeping on the tummy thing threw my mom for a loop 🙂